Monday, January 20, 2014

Christmas in San Francisco

We were so smart and convinced my side of the family to come visit us for Christmas. Why haven't we thought of doing that before? Well when you live in one of the most amazing cities (and the third most expensive in the world!) it's not hard to convince your family to come visit you!

We actually live about 10 minutes north of the Golden Gate in Corte Madera (Marin). We love everything about it here except for two things: the cost of living and the lack of family. 

My dad, twin brother, Jason and his wife, Laura came to visit. It was a small group and we missed everyone who didn't make it out but it was a nice, slow Christmas. There were 6 of us all together and we squeezed into our Subaru Legacy all weekend and drove all around Marin and the city. Jas and Laura were here for 4 days and Dad stayed for a whole week. It was so fun to have everyone here and show them all of our favorite places. 

While my dad was just here we checked out the Hyde Street Pier and walked through all the historic ships. We also toured the USS Palpantino Submarine. It was so fun and I love doing things my dad loves to do. It's so fun to see him so happy!

Don't judge Wes. These are the only shoes he can walk in right now. I also bought a guard for the buzzer that was waaayb too short and chopped Mike's hair. He's not that bald (yet!) At least I know he'll be super hot when he is that bald!

The Golden Gate in the background
One of my favorite parts was watching Wes roam around the submarine. 
My dad MADE me do this!
China Town
How we made it up the hills.

Oh this was so fun. I love seeing my dad as a grandpa. He's only 50 and it's so funny to know he's a grandpa already. He's great at it!
We had too much fun in China Town.

Loved this day so much!
I love this sister!
Wes just relaxing, checking out all his Christmas presents. 

At the Palace of Fine Arts.
Aw that grandpa is too cute and makes Wes so happy!

The redwoods in Muir Woods

We were kind of over pictures at this point.
We hiked Mt. Talmalpais on Christmas day. The hike was too long for most of us. I wish I could have traded Wes places! He was OUT!
And he woke up to enjoy the view from the summit.

All of us on our Hike up Mt. Tam on Christmas. I wish everyone could have come. Maybe next year we'll all be together!

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