One of the best things about living in California is being so close to the beach. Mike bought me a wetsuit and booties for our anniversary and I'm finally getting some use out of them. Last weekend we had a friend watch Wes while we went out surfing. We had so much fun. It was our first time going out together and it was perfect. The water wasn't too cold, the waves were just the right size, it wasn't that busy AND I actually caught waves. Yes, plural. More than one.
So we went again this weekend. There wasn't as much surfing involved because we had Wes but we still got out for a minute. We met our friends Sam and Regan there and their adorable little boy Duke. He's exactly 2 weeks younger than Wes and really couldn't be cuter. Here's what we did all day...
Wes ate lots of sand. So I'm excited to change his diaper in the morning.
Regan and little Duke!
Give me that baby Duke! I could snuggle that baby all day!
I love when Wes sits on his little feet like this.
Two little dudes found a new playground.
Such a cute family! We love these guys!
Really Duke? You're a sweetheart.
And it was a perfect day.

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