Mike and I have been trying to cram everything in before baby comes..including a camping trip this weekend. Mike has been wanting to go camping since the last time we went back in August. There are so many amazing camping spots within 30 minutes from our house that we just have to take advantage of being so close while we can. It had been raining like crazy here since Thursday and hadn't stopped for one second the whole day on Friday. We were determined to go though. I had all of our stuff packed up and ready to go when Mike came home. We got to our spot and set up the tent in the pouring rain. It literally didn't stop raining the entire night. I didn't even get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night because I didn't want to get wet. That's kind of a miracle because lately I have to get up at least 3-4 times each night because my bladder is the size of a pea...maybe smaller. Have I mentioned lately how much I love being 8 1/2 months pregnant???
I just love the weekends with Mike and I love it even more when we turn off our cell phones and just spend time together. Since it was raining and already dark by the time we got into our tent, we just laid there and talked all night until we fell asleep. It was perfect. Mike made me some amazing hot chocolate in the morning and we headed down the road and walked along the beach for a while. I loved every second of it.
Saturday night Mike surprised me by taking me to the city to a concert. On the way there, I literally thought I was going to have the baby on the Golden Gate Bridge. I was having the most uncomfortable contractions ever. We got to the parking garage and sat in the car for at least 20 minutes until I felt normal again. In a way, I really would have loved to have the baby Saturday night. I don't have much more room in this belly and the baby is getting so big I'm uncomfortable at least 100% of the time. 2 weeks to go.
Anyway, here are some pictures from our camping trip :)
hi belly |
he's the cutest |
can you tell which side is mine? |
evidence that it was still pouring rain when we woke up in the morning |
we love the drive home from Stinson Beach |
And this is a picture a little girl at the preschool I work at drew of me today. It's me holding baby if you couldn't tell. |